On August 29th and 30th, 2011, I spent some time at the Spotsylvania County Advanced Planning Section and the Fredericksburg Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (FAMPO). I've also researched Freelance Star Articles and spoken with several citizens who were at the 13 December 2010 citizen's meeting mentioned below. I have found it very difficult to "concisely" explain in less than 5 minutes. Below is my best shot.
The underlined text below is hyperlinked to the actual document, article, or organization. By moving your mouse cursor over any underlined text below and clicking, you will see actual page of what I'm referencing.

I'm scratching my head over this one
On April 9th, 2008, The Fredericksburg Metropolitan Planning Organization (FAMPO) sent a letter to Mr. Judson Honaker, President of The Silver Companies RE: "Agreement and Invoice for Contribution to I-95 Access and Toll Road Project". This invoice was an agreement for the Celebrate Virginia South Development Authority (CDA) to contribute $200,000 to be applied to the I-95 Access and Toll Road Project.
The I-95 Access and Toll Road Study, was prepared by Michael Baker Jr., Inc., and is titled, I-95 Access Study, New Access to I-95 between Route 3 and the Rappahannock River. There is a draft copy dated September 10th, 2010 on the Spotsylvania County website and a final copy dated October 22nd, 2010 on the FAMPO website.
The total cost of this study, when all is said and done was approximately $650,000 - so if my math is correct, close to 1/3 of total the study was funded by the Celebrate Virginia South Development Authority (CDA).
The study has several names that mean the same thing. The I-95 Access and Toll Road Study, The Michael Baker Jr. Inc. study, and the Interstate Justification Report (IJR).
On December 13th, 2010, Spotsylvania County held a meeting with Spotys residents to hear concerns and
present the plan to move forward. The FLS article, "Spotsy paving way for tolls?", announced the informational meeting at Mount Hope Baptist Church on the 12th of December, 2010. The first paragraph of the FLS article states that the toll road project must be in the County's Comprehensive Plan. The FLS article also quoted Spotsylvania spokeswoman Kathy Smith, saying, "the Spotsylvania Planning Commission will hold a public hearing in early 2011 to consider adding the road to the plan."
The December 13th, 2010 meeting was attended by 50 - 60 residents (pretty good for the Christmas season with little advanced notice) and a petition was presented to the County with up to 400 Spotsylvania residents (mostly Courtland and Chancellor area) against the toll road. As of August 29th, 2011, our County's "Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Results" from the 13 December 2010 Community information meeting were still in "DRAFT" format and there has not been a public hearing in early 2011 as it was reported there would be.
On April 22nd, 2011, The Free Lance-Star ran an article title, "Celebrate Va. hits hard times, The Silver Cos. and its investment partners owe about $5 million in back taxes and special assessment payments". This article is helpful to understand the dangers for property owners of CDA's.
On May 3rd, 2011, the Free Lance-Star ran an article titled, "New interchange clears hurdle, Group is in line to get $15 million to further study potential I-95 access point". This article surprised members of the Spotsylvania County Planning section and concerned them that somehow I95 toll was going ahead without amending the Spotsy Comprehensive Plan. Amending the Spotsy Comprehensive Plan as a requirement for the toll road to advance was reported in the FLS article above and was also what was stated by the County to citizens at the December 13th citizen's informational meeting at Mt. Hope Church. The Spotsy Planning Section's surprise is attested to by an internal e-mail thread and follow on County Memo from Wanda Parrish, AICP Planning Director to Richard Sorrell, Chairman of Planning Commission.
In June, 2011, T3 Design, a sub contractor on the Michael Baker Jr. Inc. study presented the "George Washington Connector Review" as an independent review of the I-95 Access and Toll Road Study / IJR. T3 design prepared the Review for Spotsylvania County. The T3 Design review of the IJR has far more "concerns" with the I-95 Access and Toll Road Study than "benefits". When I interviewed Mr. Lloyd Robinson from FAMPO on the 30th of August, FAMPO was not aware such independent review had occurred and told me they had no knowledge of the T3 Design review of the IJR.
On August 30th, 2011 I interviewed Lloyd Robinson, Director of Transportation Planning, FAMPO Administrator who was assisted by two Principal Planners on the FAMPO staff, Andy Waple and David Lee.
It is FAMPO's understanding that because the Interstate Justification Report (IJR), aka M Baker Jr. I-95 Access and Toll Road Study was approved by the Federal Highway Administration on the 28th of April, 2011 per May 3rd Freelance Star article above, that the toll road is a done deal. Mr. Robinson stated that the IJR was with VDOT, and once approved it would fund FAMPO with $14 million to do four things concurrently:
1. Toll Road Financial Analysis
2. NEPA (National Environmental Protection Act) Study - to look at environmental impacts
3. Fund Toll Road Design (engineering diagrams, etc.)
4. Fund Outreach Program to reach out to citizens
These four items are included in the County memo from Ms. Wanda Parrish mentioned above.
Mr. Robinson and his staff were not aware of the T3 Design Independent Review of the IJR by Spotsy County. That surprised me. From the outside, it does not appear the County and FAMPO have the best of communication going on between them as the County was not aware of the IJR going forward with FAMPO and FAMPO was not aware of the T3 Design Review of the IJR.
However, the biggest surpise for me during my interview with FAMPO staff was that Mr. Lloyd Robinson and his staff stated that FAMPO had never considered or looked at an I-95 / Harrison Road Exit / On Ramp. I was told that the a Harrison Road / I95 interchange was like an apple to an orange when compared to the proposed toll road.
I begged to differ as both the proposed toll road and I95 / Harrison interchange would releave traffic on route 3 and they both end at the same place . . .Gordon and route 3. Mr. Robinson then pointed out that on page 60 of the IJR, it states that the purpose of the toll road is not just to reduce traffic on Route 3 but also to tie commercial areas together, as if to justify why FAMPO had not considered the I-95 / Harrison Road exit/on ramp option.
What is surprising is that the T3 Design Independent Review of the Toll Road Study actually has a concern that the route 3 businesses in Spotsy (commercial areas) will be bypassed. In other words, the toll road disconnects some commercial areas which is not one of it's purposes as stated on page 60 of the IJR.
Lloyd Robinson of FAMPO did agree to model the Harrison Road / I95 exit on ramp for me. I am looking forward to the results.
I want my neighbors to know that I don't like traffic any more than the next guy. I've commuted up I 95 myself for a decade. I know how many traffic lights I have to clear in the evening on Route 3 West and I know especially how long it takes to clear the first four lights. But I also respect our individual property rights and feel every option should be considered prior to the Government taking anyone's property away. In some cases, people who have lived their entire lives on property will have it taken from them.
Bottom Line
I'm very concerned with several things about proposed toll road and processes followed. They are:
1. That a detailed financial analysis has not even been done on the toll road yet, but we are concurrently spending $14 million in tax payer money to do the other 3 items once VDOT approves IJR.
2. If the toll road runs into financial trouble, where tolls from riders are not covering the cost of the road, who will pay the costs? How much will taxpayers pay for $300M toll road, how much will riders pay?
3. The communication between Spotys and FAMPO seems weak considering such a large project through mostly the Courtland District.
4. The proposed Toll Road will take a lot of private property, residential property, and cost a lot of money (forecast in study says $300 million). It will also affect 100's more with the additional noise to their areas. How can we move forward with this without even CONSIDERING a Harrison / I-95 exit / on ramp that would not affect anyone's home, would cost a lot less, and may be the best traffic solution if compared to the proposed toll road.
5. Perception X2. Perception that County Resident's are being bypassed and or misled or ignored and Perception that IJR study cannot maintain a non-bias stance when it was funded by a company that stands to benefit greatly should toll road proceed.
I tried to be brief. I hope the hyper links helped. If you have any questions for me, please shoot me an e-mail. As your Courtland, Spotsylvania County Board of Supervisor's representative, I will do everything I can to stop the toll road until more research is done and concerns of both the citizen's of Spotsylvania County and the Independent Review by T3 Design are addressed.
Update September 16th - 2011 -
I wish I had good news to report in this update – but I don’t. On Monday evening, September 12th, 2011, I attended the George Washington Regional Toll Road Authority (GWTRA) meeting that was held at the Fredericksburg Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (FAMPO) spaces on Prince Anne Street in downtown Fredericksburg.
The GWTRA board is composed of 10 voting members, 3 from Fredericksburg, 3 from Stafford County., 3 from Spotsylvania County, and 1 from VDOT.
Spotsylvania County members of the GWTRA are Mr. Hap Connors, Mr. Benjamin Pitts, and Mr. Jerry Logan (my opponent in Courtland District) who are all Spotsy Board of Supervisors as well. The VDOT representative is Mr. Quintin Elliot, Fredericksburg District Supervisor
There seemed to be “excitement” in the room as the commissioner of VDOT in Richmond signed off on $14.5M in funding to move forward on the 12th of September. Mr. Quintin Elliott stated that “it paid to make his trip to Richmond”.
Jerry Logan and Hap Connors were both there representing Spotsy. Mr. Pitts is also a voting member from Spotsy but was not there. There was talk of a new building, office space, hiring a director and project manager for the toll road, who to hire first, and if the positions should be full time or part time.
Michael Baker Jr. Inc. (IJR study) personnel were there as was a law firm that I believe wants the business of the toll road
Mr. Logan was most concerned about new office space for new hires to work out of and the phases of the project. He did not want “bulldozers in Spotsy” prior to the new bridge over the Rappahannock – timeline for project is 2 years and cost is $300M. Funds would be state and federal. There was talk of requesting the required additional funding from Governor.
Mr. Lloyd Robinson (person I interviewed on 30 August) pointed me out to board near end of meeting as a Candidate for the Courtland District Board of Supervisors position. He stated to the board that he had passed e-mails about my request for a Harrison / I95 interchange modeling/simulation. Lloyd announced that a Harrison/I-95 interchange wasn’t good for traffic which did not surprise me. The person who headed the Baker study then said that a Harrison exit would slow traffic on I95. (which is suprising as the Visitor Center exit proposed by the IJR needed special VDOT approval because of VDOT’s policy of needing at least 1.5 miles between exits, which the Toll Road exit does not have).
Mr. Robinson’s comments opened up the meeting for me to speak
I thanked Lloyd for running the I95/Harrison option simulation but also said, it may not be accurate as you’ve admitted it was not a rigorous simulation in time spent
I then addressed the Baker study person that I was surprised I95/Harrison would slow traffic more than the Celebrate VA exit as there was more distance between the exit 126 and Harrison and Harrison to rt. 3 than there was between the proposed interchange at the rest area.
I then very nicely addressed Mr. Logan and Mr. Conners and said that as the Spotsy representatives on the GWTRA, I did not think the citizens of Spotys had been well informed of this project. I stated that a good majority of people that I talk to think the Spotys Comprehensive plan needs to be amended. They think this BECAUSE a requirement to amend the Spotys Comprehensive plan for anything to move forward was stated at the 13 Dec 2010 citizens meeting and it was reported in the Freelance Star shortly after.
I explained that T3Design, a sub to Baker study, had performed an independent review of Baker study and there were more concerns than benefits with the toll road.
All I said seemed to be received very neutrally - with silence. Hap even waved at me in the parking lot. I shook Mr. Logan’s hand (he did not stand to shake mine) and wished him a sincere “good luck Jerry” and Jerry thanked me for coming.
I somewhat felt it was the wrong forum to bring this up as the road is moving forward. Since the floor was opened to me, I said what I thought needed to be said. $14.5M is a lot of tax payer money to be wasted, but they need a lot more. Four of the candidates for Board of Supervisors in the 4 Spotsy Districts that are up for election are running for property rights this year. Paul Trampe, Anne Heidig, Tim McLaughlin, and myself. We could change the Spotsy influence on this board a great deal as they will need a lot more funding to make this happen. I hate to see this much money go down range as a taxpayer prior to even a financial analysis being done ($14.5M pays for financial analysis, toll road design, NEPA (national environmental protection act) study, and outreach program (and of course staff that goes with each, office space, etc).
Please vote November 8th - Every vote will count in this off season election.
If you have any questions about the above please contact me - you can e-mail me from the "wanna help" tab.
The I-95 Access and Toll Road Study, was prepared by Michael Baker Jr., Inc., and is titled, I-95 Access Study, New Access to I-95 between Route 3 and the Rappahannock River. There is a draft copy dated September 10th, 2010 on the Spotsylvania County website and a final copy dated October 22nd, 2010 on the FAMPO website.
The total cost of this study, when all is said and done was approximately $650,000 - so if my math is correct, close to 1/3 of total the study was funded by the Celebrate Virginia South Development Authority (CDA).
The study has several names that mean the same thing. The I-95 Access and Toll Road Study, The Michael Baker Jr. Inc. study, and the Interstate Justification Report (IJR).
On December 13th, 2010, Spotsylvania County held a meeting with Spotys residents to hear concerns and
present the plan to move forward. The FLS article, "Spotsy paving way for tolls?", announced the informational meeting at Mount Hope Baptist Church on the 12th of December, 2010. The first paragraph of the FLS article states that the toll road project must be in the County's Comprehensive Plan. The FLS article also quoted Spotsylvania spokeswoman Kathy Smith, saying, "the Spotsylvania Planning Commission will hold a public hearing in early 2011 to consider adding the road to the plan."
The December 13th, 2010 meeting was attended by 50 - 60 residents (pretty good for the Christmas season with little advanced notice) and a petition was presented to the County with up to 400 Spotsylvania residents (mostly Courtland and Chancellor area) against the toll road. As of August 29th, 2011, our County's "Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Results" from the 13 December 2010 Community information meeting were still in "DRAFT" format and there has not been a public hearing in early 2011 as it was reported there would be.
On April 22nd, 2011, The Free Lance-Star ran an article title, "Celebrate Va. hits hard times, The Silver Cos. and its investment partners owe about $5 million in back taxes and special assessment payments". This article is helpful to understand the dangers for property owners of CDA's.
On May 3rd, 2011, the Free Lance-Star ran an article titled, "New interchange clears hurdle, Group is in line to get $15 million to further study potential I-95 access point". This article surprised members of the Spotsylvania County Planning section and concerned them that somehow I95 toll was going ahead without amending the Spotsy Comprehensive Plan. Amending the Spotsy Comprehensive Plan as a requirement for the toll road to advance was reported in the FLS article above and was also what was stated by the County to citizens at the December 13th citizen's informational meeting at Mt. Hope Church. The Spotsy Planning Section's surprise is attested to by an internal e-mail thread and follow on County Memo from Wanda Parrish, AICP Planning Director to Richard Sorrell, Chairman of Planning Commission.
In June, 2011, T3 Design, a sub contractor on the Michael Baker Jr. Inc. study presented the "George Washington Connector Review" as an independent review of the I-95 Access and Toll Road Study / IJR. T3 design prepared the Review for Spotsylvania County. The T3 Design review of the IJR has far more "concerns" with the I-95 Access and Toll Road Study than "benefits". When I interviewed Mr. Lloyd Robinson from FAMPO on the 30th of August, FAMPO was not aware such independent review had occurred and told me they had no knowledge of the T3 Design review of the IJR.
On August 30th, 2011 I interviewed Lloyd Robinson, Director of Transportation Planning, FAMPO Administrator who was assisted by two Principal Planners on the FAMPO staff, Andy Waple and David Lee.
It is FAMPO's understanding that because the Interstate Justification Report (IJR), aka M Baker Jr. I-95 Access and Toll Road Study was approved by the Federal Highway Administration on the 28th of April, 2011 per May 3rd Freelance Star article above, that the toll road is a done deal. Mr. Robinson stated that the IJR was with VDOT, and once approved it would fund FAMPO with $14 million to do four things concurrently:
1. Toll Road Financial Analysis
2. NEPA (National Environmental Protection Act) Study - to look at environmental impacts
3. Fund Toll Road Design (engineering diagrams, etc.)
4. Fund Outreach Program to reach out to citizens
These four items are included in the County memo from Ms. Wanda Parrish mentioned above.
Mr. Robinson and his staff were not aware of the T3 Design Independent Review of the IJR by Spotsy County. That surprised me. From the outside, it does not appear the County and FAMPO have the best of communication going on between them as the County was not aware of the IJR going forward with FAMPO and FAMPO was not aware of the T3 Design Review of the IJR.
However, the biggest surpise for me during my interview with FAMPO staff was that Mr. Lloyd Robinson and his staff stated that FAMPO had never considered or looked at an I-95 / Harrison Road Exit / On Ramp. I was told that the a Harrison Road / I95 interchange was like an apple to an orange when compared to the proposed toll road.
I begged to differ as both the proposed toll road and I95 / Harrison interchange would releave traffic on route 3 and they both end at the same place . . .Gordon and route 3. Mr. Robinson then pointed out that on page 60 of the IJR, it states that the purpose of the toll road is not just to reduce traffic on Route 3 but also to tie commercial areas together, as if to justify why FAMPO had not considered the I-95 / Harrison Road exit/on ramp option.
What is surprising is that the T3 Design Independent Review of the Toll Road Study actually has a concern that the route 3 businesses in Spotsy (commercial areas) will be bypassed. In other words, the toll road disconnects some commercial areas which is not one of it's purposes as stated on page 60 of the IJR.
Lloyd Robinson of FAMPO did agree to model the Harrison Road / I95 exit on ramp for me. I am looking forward to the results.
I want my neighbors to know that I don't like traffic any more than the next guy. I've commuted up I 95 myself for a decade. I know how many traffic lights I have to clear in the evening on Route 3 West and I know especially how long it takes to clear the first four lights. But I also respect our individual property rights and feel every option should be considered prior to the Government taking anyone's property away. In some cases, people who have lived their entire lives on property will have it taken from them.
Bottom Line
I'm very concerned with several things about proposed toll road and processes followed. They are:
1. That a detailed financial analysis has not even been done on the toll road yet, but we are concurrently spending $14 million in tax payer money to do the other 3 items once VDOT approves IJR.
2. If the toll road runs into financial trouble, where tolls from riders are not covering the cost of the road, who will pay the costs? How much will taxpayers pay for $300M toll road, how much will riders pay?
3. The communication between Spotys and FAMPO seems weak considering such a large project through mostly the Courtland District.
4. The proposed Toll Road will take a lot of private property, residential property, and cost a lot of money (forecast in study says $300 million). It will also affect 100's more with the additional noise to their areas. How can we move forward with this without even CONSIDERING a Harrison / I-95 exit / on ramp that would not affect anyone's home, would cost a lot less, and may be the best traffic solution if compared to the proposed toll road.
5. Perception X2. Perception that County Resident's are being bypassed and or misled or ignored and Perception that IJR study cannot maintain a non-bias stance when it was funded by a company that stands to benefit greatly should toll road proceed.
I tried to be brief. I hope the hyper links helped. If you have any questions for me, please shoot me an e-mail. As your Courtland, Spotsylvania County Board of Supervisor's representative, I will do everything I can to stop the toll road until more research is done and concerns of both the citizen's of Spotsylvania County and the Independent Review by T3 Design are addressed.
Update September 16th - 2011 -
I wish I had good news to report in this update – but I don’t. On Monday evening, September 12th, 2011, I attended the George Washington Regional Toll Road Authority (GWTRA) meeting that was held at the Fredericksburg Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (FAMPO) spaces on Prince Anne Street in downtown Fredericksburg.
The GWTRA board is composed of 10 voting members, 3 from Fredericksburg, 3 from Stafford County., 3 from Spotsylvania County, and 1 from VDOT.
Spotsylvania County members of the GWTRA are Mr. Hap Connors, Mr. Benjamin Pitts, and Mr. Jerry Logan (my opponent in Courtland District) who are all Spotsy Board of Supervisors as well. The VDOT representative is Mr. Quintin Elliot, Fredericksburg District Supervisor
There seemed to be “excitement” in the room as the commissioner of VDOT in Richmond signed off on $14.5M in funding to move forward on the 12th of September. Mr. Quintin Elliott stated that “it paid to make his trip to Richmond”.
Jerry Logan and Hap Connors were both there representing Spotsy. Mr. Pitts is also a voting member from Spotsy but was not there. There was talk of a new building, office space, hiring a director and project manager for the toll road, who to hire first, and if the positions should be full time or part time.
Michael Baker Jr. Inc. (IJR study) personnel were there as was a law firm that I believe wants the business of the toll road
Mr. Logan was most concerned about new office space for new hires to work out of and the phases of the project. He did not want “bulldozers in Spotsy” prior to the new bridge over the Rappahannock – timeline for project is 2 years and cost is $300M. Funds would be state and federal. There was talk of requesting the required additional funding from Governor.
Mr. Lloyd Robinson (person I interviewed on 30 August) pointed me out to board near end of meeting as a Candidate for the Courtland District Board of Supervisors position. He stated to the board that he had passed e-mails about my request for a Harrison / I95 interchange modeling/simulation. Lloyd announced that a Harrison/I-95 interchange wasn’t good for traffic which did not surprise me. The person who headed the Baker study then said that a Harrison exit would slow traffic on I95. (which is suprising as the Visitor Center exit proposed by the IJR needed special VDOT approval because of VDOT’s policy of needing at least 1.5 miles between exits, which the Toll Road exit does not have).
Mr. Robinson’s comments opened up the meeting for me to speak
I thanked Lloyd for running the I95/Harrison option simulation but also said, it may not be accurate as you’ve admitted it was not a rigorous simulation in time spent
I then addressed the Baker study person that I was surprised I95/Harrison would slow traffic more than the Celebrate VA exit as there was more distance between the exit 126 and Harrison and Harrison to rt. 3 than there was between the proposed interchange at the rest area.
I then very nicely addressed Mr. Logan and Mr. Conners and said that as the Spotsy representatives on the GWTRA, I did not think the citizens of Spotys had been well informed of this project. I stated that a good majority of people that I talk to think the Spotys Comprehensive plan needs to be amended. They think this BECAUSE a requirement to amend the Spotys Comprehensive plan for anything to move forward was stated at the 13 Dec 2010 citizens meeting and it was reported in the Freelance Star shortly after.
I explained that T3Design, a sub to Baker study, had performed an independent review of Baker study and there were more concerns than benefits with the toll road.
All I said seemed to be received very neutrally - with silence. Hap even waved at me in the parking lot. I shook Mr. Logan’s hand (he did not stand to shake mine) and wished him a sincere “good luck Jerry” and Jerry thanked me for coming.
I somewhat felt it was the wrong forum to bring this up as the road is moving forward. Since the floor was opened to me, I said what I thought needed to be said. $14.5M is a lot of tax payer money to be wasted, but they need a lot more. Four of the candidates for Board of Supervisors in the 4 Spotsy Districts that are up for election are running for property rights this year. Paul Trampe, Anne Heidig, Tim McLaughlin, and myself. We could change the Spotsy influence on this board a great deal as they will need a lot more funding to make this happen. I hate to see this much money go down range as a taxpayer prior to even a financial analysis being done ($14.5M pays for financial analysis, toll road design, NEPA (national environmental protection act) study, and outreach program (and of course staff that goes with each, office space, etc).
Please vote November 8th - Every vote will count in this off season election.
If you have any questions about the above please contact me - you can e-mail me from the "wanna help" tab.